BlogLower Your Costs When Shipping to a Trade Show

November 3, 20150


Whether you’re on a budget or just don’t want to over spend on your show (those promo items are very cute, but can be very pricey), here are some valuable (and free!) tips we have gathered for you.

Plan Ahead
You can request a written shipping quotation 30 -60 days before your ship date. Though fuel may fluctuate, it will lock in your transportation rate thus allowing you to plan your budget and stick to it.

Work with Experts in Exhibit Transportation
You need a logistics company that specializes and is familiar with your show’s details, such as: deadlines, arrival dates, driver check-in times, advanced warehouse location and the facility personnel.

Use Small to Medium, Completely Packed Boxes
Compact boxes allow less opportunity for contents to shift and damage. Using larger, less than full containers may result in the dimensional weight of your package to exceed the actual weight of the goods inside. Transportation charges are based on a per-pound-rate not per piece.

Low Ball Pricing
Beware of the “TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE” prices from carriers not affiliated with your event. You may be victim of hidden costs, over commitment and unreliable service. Do they pick up or deliver on weekends? Are they familiar with the Marshalling Yards & “Waiting Time”? Or will you get hit with “special handling “fees because they stacked your freight.

Avoid Incurring Additional Charges
Have your shipment ready on a weekday (weekends usually cost more) and during normal shipping hours. Narrowed pick-up windows are considered “specials” and will cost you more money.

Advanced Warehouse vs. Direct to Show Site
There is often a price difference when selecting to deliver your goods to the advanced receiving warehouse versus directly to show site. The extra expense going to the advanced warehouse can easily be offset by not incurring “Specials” or “Waiting Time” at show site.

Cut Down on Shipping Segments
Shipping show to show versus back to your facility between events eliminates an additional shipment thus saving you money.

Protect Your Shipment
Label each piece. Also, include a business card within each piece just in case the label becomes detached.

Know Your Deadlines
Avoid late fees by following the guidelines established in the Exhibitor Service Manual of the show you are attending.
Delight in the Details
Doing your due diligence will save you thousands and allow you to place those funds elsewhere such as a new booth, new graphics or fancier promo items.

You may now pat yourself on the back for saving you and your company money.

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Since establishment in 1989, our company has been recognized as one of the most successful trade show logistics service providers in the US.

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